
Monkeez Newz August 2006

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Monkeez Tailz Times - August 2006


Keeping Cool In August
August is a super warm month in most places around the globe.  I am not sure about Alaska...but as a kid sometimes you have to stay indoors to stay cool!
The temperature can reach up to 125 degrees in some places.  It gets so hot you can't walk on the ground.
Things to do in the heat:
Go to a Water Park
Visit the Ocean
Visit a Lake
Visit a River
Go to a Pool
Community Pool
Recreation Center Pool
Gym Pool
Small Pool, Baby Pool
Water Slide
Sprinklers or cool off with a garden hose
Slip and Slide
Water Toys, Water Table, Water Bucket
Squirt Guns, Squirting toys
Water Balloons
Bath, Indoor Pool
Squirt Bottle
Water Bottle
Go to the mall
Go to Grandma's house
Other activities:
Studying Books
Science Projects
Baking with Mom
Exploring your house
Looking for bugs (indoors too)
Collecting bugs, rocks, twigs, etc.
Sit in shade, Swing in a hammock
Play with toys
Play games with friends
Surf the web
Talk on the phone
Make a scrapbook
If you have a pool, that helps.  Some people live close to the ocean or a lake.  Those people can cool off easily.  But what if you dont have a large body of water closeby?  What if your air conditioning is not that good?
Well our suggestion is put on your bathing suit and take a dunk in the pool, bathtub or shower.  That will cool you off.  Make sure you have your parents permission and supervision.  They might even let you take a swim for a while with your toys.  You can even pretend you are at the ocean or in a cool lake. 
You may want to take your duck, ball, boat, superheroes or doll with you.  Sometimes parents can buy small pools that fit on porches or in the grass.  They are fun to sit in and cool off.  They may be made of plastic and sometimes blow up with air.
If you have two or three friends you can swim around in circles and make a whirlpool!  You can float toys in the water.
If you can't swim get a squrt bottle or water bottle and squirt yourself to stay cool.  The dollar store sells squirt guns and water balloons for very little money which can be filled up with water and sprayed at your friends.  Your friends can spray you back and that would be a blast now wouldn't it?
Don't forget if you are out doors to wear your sunscreen and a hat to avoid burning your skin.


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All poser content and written content is:
Copyright 2006 Monkeez Tails
Copyright 2006 Kimberly.3D
Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by
Some 3d content, wirtten content, images, dolls and other items are from free sites, were paid for or were obtained with permission if neccessary.  All other content used is credited on the credit page.  Donations are accepted.